Project Summary
Refurbished System for a Former Gas Station in a Small Town
MAE2 was approached by a consultant that needed a system that could provide multiple technologies to remediate a site with significant free product gasoline.
The site had been partially studied by a previous consultant and there was no additional funding for further study.
It was decided that installing a system that had a large flow, pressure, vacuum and treatment capacity would allow for operational flexibility and cover any unexpected process needs. Using a refurbished system reduced the installation costs and allowed the system to be on-site significantly sooner.
The consultant knew from experience that they could rely on MAE2 for quality workmanship and long term product support and be delivered a high quality, dependable refurbished system.
The consultant selected MAE2 to build a vacuum enhanced groundwater pump and treat and air sparge remediation system that incorporated down well groundwater pumps and high vacuum DPE (Dual Phase Extraction) in order to remove the free product and lower the dissolved phase gasoline concentrations. The system also includes Air Sparging in order to volatilize VOC’s in the vadose zone and stimulate bio activity.
MAE2 recommended a high vacuum 30 HP rotary claw pump along with QED pneumatic auto pumps to dewater the wells and to expose more soil the influence of the SVE and the rotary claw compressor used for air sparging. The rotary claw vacuum pump was chosen to allow the system flexibility to operate at a wide range of vacuum levels.
The flexibility allows the system to operate at low vacuum to help slurp the free product in the wells while pumping at a low rate to maximize the initial free product recovery. The pneumatic auto pumps operate on demand with a 15 HP reciprocating air compressor providing the air supply needed for pumping. The Groundwater Treatment system consists of an air water separator, an oil water separator to remove free product and a removable tray air stripper to remove the dissolved phase gasoline before discharging to surface water.
To start free product removal the consultant operated only the pneumatic downwell pumps. Once the free product is reduced in the recovery wells, the well pumps will be set deeper and pump at a higher volume and the vacuum from the SVE will be increased. The rotary claw sparge compressor will also be started to maximize the treatment and reduce the project run time. An enclosed steel frame utility trailer enclosure allows for maximimum flexibility and mobility.
The regulatory agency requires consistent run time for all approved systems. The system provides run time hours, vacuum trends, and water flow totals recorded through the PLC control panel. The cellular connection allows full system control and data through easy-to-use web browser access. The instant alarm notification and remote control allows the consultant to immediately respond to any changing site conditions and maximize system run time.
This Remediation System uses the following components and subsystems-
Rotary Claw Vacuum Pump
Removable Tray Air Stripper
Progressive Cavity Transfer Pump
Reciprocating Air Compressor
Down well Pneumatic Pumps
Rotary Claw Compressor
Heating Oil Removal System for an Apartment Building
MAE2 worked with a consultant who needed a pump and treat system to extract groundwater from two wells and then re-inject the treated water.
The project goal is to remove heating oil from the groundwater, removing any long-term liability concerns for the apartment complex owners
MAE2 built the system using a custom modified cargo container. The enclosure consisted of two rooms. The first room contained the control panel and the air supply compressor. The second room included the water treatment system and was built to meet the requirements for Class 1 Div 2 hazardous environments. Both rooms included lights, ventilation fans and heat. The system components were completely tested before shipping to make certain the system was ready to run on site with no downtime.
The system is a Pump and Treat and Groundwater Treatment system designed for up to 30 GPM water flow. MAE2 provided 2 QED AP4+ Pneumatic Groundwater Pumps complete with downwell air, water discharge and exhaust hoses and well caps. The system had a Reciprocating Air Compressor connected to an air supply manifold that included pressure and flow controls. Air hose was used to connect the trailer air supply manifold with the downwell pneumatic pumps.
The water discharge from the pumps connected to the multi point extraction manifold. The manifold piped the extracted groundwater to an Oil Water Separator to remove any free product heating oil. Any free fuel that is collected gravity drains into a 250 gallon product holding tank. A centrifugal transfer pump sends the water to two parallel high pressure fiberglass carbon vessels for treatment before discharge. The water passes through a flow totalizer to record total gallons treated prior to discharge to sanitary sewer. The system is controlled by a custom relay control panel that includes an externally mounted flashing alarm light.
Components used in this system
Relay Control panel
Reciprocating Air Compressor
Down well Pneumatic Pumps
Custom Cargo Container Enclosure
Rail Yard Iron and Suspended Solids Treatment System Upgrade and Expansion
MAE2 was selected to provide a system to remove iron and suspended solids and to fully integrate into the operation of an existing system and controls.
While many companies have the ability to build a new system based upon a written specification, expanding an existing system and seamlessly integrating the new components and controls requires extensive industry knowledge and experience. MAE2 was selected to provide a system to remove iron suspended solids and to fully integrate into the operation of the existing system and controls.
The fouling and constant maintenance caused by the iron and suspended solids was preventing the existing water treatment system from effectively reaching the treatment goals required. MAE2’s 23 years of groundwater system design experience, our flexible manufacturing capacity and our UL control panel shop made us the perfect partner to help create a successful solution for a challenging site.
MAE2 worked with the consulting engineer to understand the existing system operation and plan the best way to augment the system and improve the treatment results. The existing system included electric and pneumatic submersible pumps that pumped fuel contaminated groundwater to an air stripper for treatment.
MAE2 worked to design and fabricate custom tanks and to design and program a custom PLC control panel to work with the existing treatment system. In the new expanded system, the extracted groundwater is pumped into a new, custom fabricated, 3000-gallon aeration tank. A chemical metering pump is used to add chemicals into the aeration tank to help precipitate dissolved iron.
Two 5 HP Rotary Claw Compressors skid mounted in parallel provide aeration in the tank at 82 CFM and 22 PSI. Fuel vapors created in the aeration tank are removed by a 3 HP regenerative vacuum blower operating at 55 CFM and 58” WC vacuum. Any residual moisture is captured in an 80-gallon Vapor Liquid Separator that includes a High-Level alarm switch and manual drain.
The vapor steam passes through the blower and then a ½ HP heat exchanger to reduce the temperature so that the 200 LB steel vapor carbon vessel can effectively remove any fuel vapors before discharging to the atmosphere. The Aeration tank is equipped with a user programmable level transmitter that controls the on/off operation of a 200 GPM, 5 HP Centrifugal Transfer Pump. The water is pumped to a custom, three stage clarifier tank.
The tank includes a polymer metering system followed by a flash chamber and electronic mixer, a flocculent chamber and electronic mixer and finally an inclined plate clarifier with hopper bottom. This removes most of the larger suspended solids and precipitated iron. The water gravity feed into a custom, 1000 gallon filtration feed tank. In order to remove any fine suspended solids, the water is pumped through a fully automated, four vessel, sand filter system.
The sand filter includes a 3000 gallon, backwash water tank and a 3000 gallon, backwash solids tank. The system PLC control panel uses pressure transmitters and automated ball valves to backwash the sand filters and pumps the captured solids to the holding tank without stopping treatment flow. A 63 GPM sludge pump controlled by a user programmable level transmitter pumps the collected solids to a custom, 3000 Gallon Settling Tank. The tank has a sludge/solids settling basin in the bottom and a custom designed liquid decanting valve system to drain liquids. The treated, solids-free water, effluent from the sand filtration system is pumped to the existing air stripper for final treatment and removal of any remaining fuel.
This Remediation System uses the following components and subsystems
Regenerative Vacuum Pump
Sand Filter
Rotary Claw Compressor
Incline Plate Clarifiers
Chemical Pre Treatment Systems
Vapor Phase Carbon
Rental System for Remediation of a Redevelopment site.
MAE2 was selected to provide a rental system to remediate a former gas station site that had been redeveloped.
MAE2 had previously provided a rental system that successfully removed most of the gasoline contamination from the site but had to be removed to allow for construction when the property was sold for redevelopment. The remaining fuel contamination was concentrated in a smaller area. Renting a system was a perfect option for this site. After the site was redeveloped, a different smaller system was chosen to complete the site remediation saving both rental and operating cost.
The fuel contamination was limited to the vadose zone soils, so the system selected was an air sparge, soil vapor extraction system. This involves pumping air into the pressure wells to volatilize residual fuel and to stimulate bio remediation activity. The soil vapor extraction creates further volatilization and extraction of soil vapors. The system is enclosed in an 8’ x 14’ utility trailer with insulated walls and ventilation fan and lights.
The air sparge unit is a 7.5 HP Rotary Vane Compressor capable of providing 55 ACFM @ 20 PSI to a two point manifold with each leg including a pressure gauge and a ball valve. The vapor wells are connected to a two point extraction manifold that includes a gate valve and vacuum gauge for each leg. The soil vapor extraction consists of a marine grade aluminum vapor liquid separator and a 15 HP regenerative vacuum blower capable of 350 SCFM @ 85” WC vacuum. The vapor liquid separator includes a centrifugal transfer pump to empty any water that is collected. The system includes a relay based control panel to allow for simple fully automated control.
This Remediation System uses the following components and subsystems
Regenerative Vacuum Pump
Rotary Vane Air Compressor
Rotary Claw Compressor
Water Treatment System at an Aeronautical Launch Center.
MAE2 was awarded a project after a competitive bid process to build a water treatment system at a former component cleaning and refurbishment workshop at an aeronautical launch center.
The site had been a parts cleaning facility that used chlorinated solvents such as Trichloroethylene (TCE) to refurbish components. The consultant’s goal is to extract contaminated groundwater from 3 wells at the end of the plume contamination area and strip the TCE from the extracted groundwater. The clean water is then re-injected into 8 injection wells to help control the groundwater flow and prevent additional growth of the contaminated plume.

Former component cleaning and refurbishment workshop at an aeronautical launch center
The water treatment system contained a three point groundwater extraction manifold. Groundwater is pumped from three wells using electric submersible pumps. Each manifold point includes individual water flow meters to record gallons per minute from each well. The manifold header is plumed through two bag filter housings and then to a 300 gallon inlet EQ tank. The bag filters remove any suspended solids and sediment from the groundwater.
An inlet flow transmitter displays total gallons pumped and the GPM flow rate. The water is pumped by a centrifugal transfer pump from the EQ tank to a Stainless Steel removable tray air stripper. The EQ tank and air stripper both include water lever transmitters that show the current water level and allow user adjustable pump on/off and alarm set points. After the water is treated in the stripper it is pumped by another centrifugal transfer pump through two more bag filter housings to remove any remaining sediments or solids to the injection manifold.
The manifold has a groundwater flow totalizing transmitter and seven individual injection legs. Each leg has a solenoid valve for on/off and alarm control, a pressure transmitter and an individual water flow meter.
The water treatment system is built inside an 8’x20′ custom steel building with water proof secondary containment and a floor sump alarm. The building also includes air conditioning to help the equipment and controls operate in the local ambient temperature.

The water treatment system is built inside an 8’x20′ custom steel building
The system controls include a PLC based panel with touch screen controls and full web based cellular telemetry control and alarms. The controls allow the consultant to view and change all of the systems setting including pressure, flow, and level.
Components used in this system:
Centrifugal transfer pump
Bag filter housings
Removable tray air stripper
PLC control panel
Pilot Test and Startup Support.
MAE2 was contacted by a consultant that needed equipment and support for a high vacuum pilot test.
The contractor wanted to run a pilot test to try to get influence in an area of the site the was dominated by above ground storage tanks and railroad tracks. The soils at the site were very tight, requiring a unit that could operate at vacuum levels 15″ HG and higher. They contacted MAE2 for the pilot test unit and additional on-site support and training.
MAE2 provided a Multi-Phase Vacuum System with a Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump. The Liquid Ring Pump is the best option for vacuum applications that require vacuum levels exceeding 24″ HG. Liquids removed during the pilot test collected in the Vapor Liquid Separator and then were pumped to an on site frack tank. The system was connected to a mobile generator to provide electrical power.
MAE2 provided an on-site technician to help with the set up of the system and generator and training on system operation. The system was connected to a horizontal well that was located under the train tracks and tank farm. The pilot test went well and it proved that high vacuum extraction created the desired air flow and influence.
The following system components were used in the pilot system.
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump
Vapor Liquid Separator
Progressive Cavity Transfer Pump
PLC Control Panel
Refurbished Dual Phase Extraction and Groundwater Treatment System with Thermal Oxidizer
MAE2 was approached by a consultant that had performed a Corrective Action Plan and recommended a multi-phase extraction system to perform remediation at a gas station site.
The consultant also required a thermal oxidizer to treat the vapors removed from the site. In order to keep the budget costs low the consultant looked for a high quality, dependable refurbished system, along with a rental oxidizer.
The consultant knew from experience that they could rely on MAE2 for quality workmanship and long-term product support.

An existing Dual Phase Extraction system refurbished for this project
MAE2 took an existing Dual Phase Extraction system from our fleet and made minor modifications. The control panel was updated with a new touch screen control panel and remote telemetry system. The system components were completely tested, and a full O & M and cleaning was conducted to make the system site ready.

Existing DPE internal view
The system is a Dual Phase Extraction and Groundwater Treatment system designed for 20 GPM water flow and 330 ACFM vapor flow at 25” HG. There is a 12 point extraction manifold that pulls both water and vapor from the extraction wells using two 10 HP rotary claw vacuum pumps mounted in parallel. The extracted groundwater is collected in the 120 G Vapor/Liquid separator and then pumped to an Oil Water Separator (OWS) using a progressive cavity transfer pump.
Any free fuel that is extracted is collected in the OWS and gravity drains into a product holding tank. The water is pumped from the OWS through a bag filter, to remove suspended solids, and then to a Poly Stackable Tray Air Stripper. After the air stripper the water is pumped through two bag filters in series, to remove any remaining suspended solids and two medium pressure steel carbon vessels for final treatment before discharge. The OWS pump and Air Stripper pump are centrifugal transfer pumps. The system is controlled by a custom PLC control panel that allows for remote access and control using web based telemetry.

Dual Phase Extraction system components
The vapors pulled from the ground contain higher concentrations of hydrocarbon than allowed without treatment. MAE2 provided a rental Gas Fired Thermal Oxidizer to destroy 99+% of the hydrocarbons. The oxidizer uses the hydrocarbons pulled from the ground to fuel the thermal oxidizer, efficiently destroying them.

External Thermal Oxidizer
Components used in this system
Environmental Remediation System Finds New life at a New Site.
Reuse of an Existing Remediation System results in significant savings and reduced training time.
Many consulting firms have possession of existing remediation systems that have been used to complete the remediation at a site and achieve site closure. Reusing that system on a new site can save cost and increase the bottom line for the consulting firm. Additionally, the field operators are already familiar with the system maintenance and operation. MAE2 has helped many consultants update and refurbish existing systems to help them maximize their resources and provide more competitive solutions to their clients
MAE2 was recently contracted by a consultant to refurbish a used system from their inventory to prepare it and customize it for use at a new site. The refurbished system allowed the consultant to use a system they were familiar with while keeping the budget within approved funding levels.
The system was transported to our manufacturing facility. The MAE2 technical staff thoroughly tested the system and inspected each component. All required maintenance was performed and any components and parts that were beyond their useful life, due to wear and tear, were replaced or upgraded.
The system and controls were customized to meet the requirements of the new site. The end result was a customized, reliable system at a considerable savings when compared to a brand new system. Additionally the consultant’s field staff was already familiar with the system, which greatly reduced labor and training time and costs.
The system is a Dual Phase Extraction and Groundwater Treatment system designed for 10 GPM water flow and 500 ACFM vapor flow at 25” HG. There is a 5 point extraction manifold that pulls both water and vapor from the extraction wells using two 10 HP rotary claw vacuum pumps in parallel. The extracted groundwater is collected in the 120 G Vapor/Liquid separator and then pumped to an Oil Water Separator using a progressive cavity transfer pump. Any free fuel that is extracted is collected in the OWS gravity drains into a product holding tank.
The water is pumped using a centrifugal transfer pump into the Poly Stack-able Tray Air Stripper. The Pressure Blower forces air through the air stripper trays removing over 99% of the dissolved fuel from the water. The water is then pumped through two bag filters in parallel and one high pressure steel carbon vessels for final polishing treatment before discharge. The Air Stripper uses another centrifugal transfer pump to pump the water through the bag filters, carbon and to the final discharge point. The system is controlled by a newly upgraded custom PLC control panel that allows for remote access and control using web-based telemetry.
Components used in this system
Progressive Cavity Transfer Pump
Poly Stack-able Tray Air Stripper
Pressure Blower
Neighborhood Home Heating Oil Bio Vent Remediation System in NJ Suburb
MAE2 was selected to design and build a remediation system for a backyard home heating oil site in an established residential neighborhood after providing the most responsive and cost effective bid.
The consultant approached MAE2 with a unique and challenging project. A home heating oil tank had leaked, and after removing most of the contaminated soil the consultant recommended a Bio Vent system to remediate the remaining contamination under the homeowner’s property and the neighboring house. There were several challenges that needed to be overcome with the system design. The power supply in the neighborhood was limited to single phase power. The small lot sizes and the quiet neighborhood setting required the system to operate quietly to avoid disturbing the neighbors.
The system needed to have a small footprint to fit in the backyard. Finally the insurance company claim required that the system construction could not exceed a fixed budget.
MAE2 responded to the RFP by proposing a Regenerative Vacuum Pump, in a Custom Sound Enclosure. The Regenerative Vacuum Pump was chosen because it provides the vacuum and flow required and operates at a lower decibel level than other possible pump choices.
The consultant designed the site so that there were two parallel trenches. The Bio Vent system included a custom manifold so that the system could pull a vacuum from one trench and simultaneously draw fresh air into the opposite trench through the custom manifold. The trenches were placed close enough to one another that each trench was within the radius of influence of the other trench. This allowed the vacuum influence to introduce fresh air to the subsurface and provide oxygen to support the bio degradation of the fuel contamination.
A Custom Sound Enclosure was built to keep the sound of the blower from disturbing the neighboring homes. The system has removable side panels to provide easy access to the equipment and insulated sound hoods and sound insulation inside the walls. The sound enclosure completely mitigated the equipment operating noise.
The system required was built using a relay based control panel including a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). The VFD was added to the control panel because single phase power was the only power supply available. In order for the system to achieve the performance required for vacuum and air flow needed to be successful it required a three phase vacuum pump. The VFD converts the single phase power to three phase power and also offers additional motor protection and motor speed control. Adjusting motor speed provides electrical power savings and also a reduction in operating noise.
The system provides run time hours, amperage levels, and local alarm lights and alarm reset. The system also includes an adjustable operating timer that allows custom user setting so the system can be programmed to automatically run during daytime hours and shut down during nighttime hours.
MAE2 personnel met the consultant onsite to provide system testing, commissioning and operational training.
This Bio Vent Remediation System uses the following components and subsystems
Regenerative Vacuum Blower
Custom Sound Enclosure
Short Term Rental System for a Groundwater Re-circulation Event at a City Gas Station
MAE2 installed a flexible pump and treat system for groundwater remediation, from our fleet of available rental systems.
MAE2 worked with a consultant who needed a pump and treat system to extract groundwater from two wells and then re-inject the treated water. The project scope called for a 1-week site event and a flexible, and readily available system was required.

Short Term Rental System for a Groundwater Recirculation Event
MAE2 provided an existing trailer mounted system from our fleet and modified it to meet the site specific needs of the short term event. MAE2 fabricated a custom reinjection manifold to make it easy to control the flow into the injection wells. The system components were completely tested before shipping to make certain the system was ready to run on site with no downtime.

The system is a Pump and Treat and Groundwater Treatment system designed for up to 30 GPM water flow. MAE2 provided 2 QED AP4+ Pneumatic Groundwater Pumps complete with downwell air, water discharge and exhaust hoses and well caps.
The system had a Reciprocating Air Compressor connected to an air supply manifold that included pressure and flow controls. Air hose was used to connect the trailer air supply manifold with the downwell pneumatic pumps. The water discharge from the pumps connected to the multi point extraction manifold. The manifold piped the extracted groundwater to an Oil Water Separator to remove any free product gasoline. Any free fuel that is collected gravity drains into a product holding tank. A centrifugal transfer pump sends the water to a Poly Stackable Tray Air Stripper. The Air Stripper removes any dissolved phase gasoline from the water. The water is then pumped through a bag filters in parallel and two high pressure steel carbon vessels for final treatment before discharge.
The pump control allows control of the pressure and flow and the custom fabricated injection manifold allows the user to fine tune the injection volume for each well. The system is controlled by a custom PLC control panel that allows for remote access and control using web-based telemetry.
This Environmental Remediation System uses the following components and subsystems
Reciprocating Air Compressor