This area will showcase MAE2 projects, providing details on systems built for many applications and treatments. They have been broken out into the following categories. Click on a category for overview information.
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Air Sparge System for a Former Heating Plant at a Space launch base
MAE2 was selected after a competitive bid process to build and start up an integrated Air Sparge system for a ...

Long Term Rental System at a rural GA Gas Station
Rental Systems have often become a preferred option for fund reimbursed cleanup sites. Renting a system offers flexibility to adapt ...

System for Ground Water Remediation at a Power Generation Plant
MAE2 was asked to provide a system based upon detailed written specifications for a Multi Phase Extraction and Groundwater Treatment ...

Rural GA Convenience Store Remediation Site
MAE2 was selected to design and build a Multi Phase Extraction and Groundwater Treatment remediation system for a convenience store ...

Interstate Truck Stop Vacuum Enhanced Groundwater Pump and Treat System for Diesel Free Product
MAE2was selected to design and build a remediation system for a large truck stop. The consultant selected MAE2 to build ...

Long Term Rental system constructed new for a small town gas station
MAE2 was approached by a consultant who needed a long-term rental Multi Phase Extraction system. The consultant works in a ...

MPE Rental system installed in a small rural town site that has unique geology
MAE2 was selected by a consultant to provide a MPE (Multi Phase Extraction) system with air sparging and groundwater treatment ...

Biosparge and SVE Systems Combined to Maximize Site Remediation
MAE2 was approached by a consultant to build a system to remediate Chlorinated Solvents in ground water. Individual Biosparge and ...

Integrated Air Sparge System at a Space Launch Center
MAE2 was selected as the most responsive bidder in a competitive bid process to build and start up an integrated ...

Corrective Action Plan for Former Gas Station Site Remediation
MAE2 was approached by a consultant that had performed a Corrective Action Plan and recommended a multi-phase extraction system to ...

Refurbished System for a Former Gas Station in a Small Town
MAE2 was approached by a consultant that needed a system that could provide multiple technologies to remediate a site with ...

Heating Oil Removal System for an Apartment Building
MAE2 worked with a consultant who needed a pump and treat system to extract groundwater from two wells and then ...

Rail Yard Iron and Suspended Solids Treatment System Upgrade and Expansion
MAE2 was selected to provide a system to remove iron and suspended solids and to fully integrate into the operation ...

Rental System for Remediation of a Redevelopment site.
MAE2 was selected to provide a rental system to remediate a former gas station site that had been redeveloped. MAE2 ...

Water Treatment System at an Aeronautical Launch Center.
MAE2 was awarded a project after a competitive bid process to build a water treatment system at a former component ...

Pilot Test and Startup Support.
MAE2 was contacted by a consultant that needed equipment and support for a high vacuum pilot test. The contractor wanted ...

Refurbished Dual Phase Extraction and Groundwater Treatment System with Thermal Oxidizer
MAE2 was approached by a consultant that had performed a Corrective Action Plan and recommended a multi-phase extraction system to ...

Environmental Remediation System Finds New life at a New Site.
Reuse of an Existing Remediation System results in significant savings and reduced training time. Many consulting firms have possession of ...

Neighborhood Home Heating Oil Bio Vent Remediation System in NJ Suburb
MAE2 was selected to design and build a remediation system for a backyard home heating oil site in an established ...

Short Term Rental System for a Groundwater Re-circulation Event at a City Gas Station
MAE2 installed a flexible pump and treat system for groundwater remediation, from our fleet of available rental systems. MAE2 worked ...

Rental System for a Truck Stop Environmental Remediation Project
MAE2 installed a rental Dual Phase Extraction and Groundwater Treatment system to deal with a storage tank leak. MAE2 recently ...

Multi Phase Extraction at a Bulk Fuel Terminal
MAE2 was asked to provide a bid for an environmental remediation project to clean up the groundwater and soil at ...

Long Term Rental System Fits Need for a Site Remediation Project at a Golf Course Maintenance Facility
Rental Systems provide options. Do you have a site that may clean up within a year? Is it easier to ...

Active Dairy Farm Environmental Remediation System
MAE2 was selected to design and build a remediation system for this Active Dairy Farm that incorporates an on-site trucking ...

Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System for Active Manufacturing Facility
MAE2 was selected to build a Sub Slab Depressurization system for an active manufacturing facility. The factory has been in ...

Industrial Components for Wastewater Treatment Systems
Many of the requests MAE2 receives are for single components to improve an industrial process or help remove oils or ...

City Convenience Store Environmental Remediation Site
MAE2 was selected to design and build a remediation system for a convenience store site in mixed use city location ...

Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System for Brownfield Redevelopment
MAE2 was selected to help design an active Sub Slab Depressurization system for a new construction site that had high ...

Active Mountaintop Gas Station Remediation Site
MAE2 was selected to design and build a remediation system for a gas station site in a small mountain town ...

Former Gas Station Remediation site
MAE2 was selected to design and build a remediation system for a closed gas station site in a mixed residential/commercial ...

Municipal Landfill Project to Remediate PCE, TCE, Vinyl Chloride and Methane
MAE2 has a full range of systems for recovery of landfill methane and VOC contamination. Landfill systems operate in some ...

MAE2 Selected for a second Air Sparge System at an Aeronautical Launch Site
This system, for a different customer, will include approximately 300 wells spread across the site MAE2 was again selected after ...

Remediation Site of a Former Gas Station in a Rural Area
MAE2 was selected to design and build a remediation system for a retail gas station based upon the results of ...

Landfill Leachate and Contaminated Groundwater Removal
200 GPM Leachate and Contaminated Groundwater Removal Regional landfill requiring leachate level control and hydraulic control of groundwater contaminated with ...

Launch Site Air Sparge System
MAE2 was selected to build and start up an integrated Air Sparge system for a site at an aeronautical launch ...

Marine Research Groundwater Treatment System
Variable Flow Industrial Process Treatment System MAE2 was tasked with designing a system to treat process water to remove iron ...

Chlorinated Solvents Removal with 10 Remote Wells
Soil and groundwater remediation using a 300 gallon per minute treatment system connected to 10 remote recovery wells PROBLEM: Local ...