Any system or component which can be customized
Electric Oxidizers
Electric oxidizer achieve destruction temperature using internal heaters to raise the temperature of catalyst blocks.
These units are compact and available with flow rates from 100-600 SCFM and require 208-230/460 V 3 phase power to operate. Standard features include stainless steel construction, process control valve, integrated control panels and exhaust stack extension. Extraction or process blowers can be added onto the skid and integrated to the inlet to provide a turnkey extraction destruction system. MAE2 can provide new, used or rental systems designed to meet your site specific needs.
Gas Fired Thermal and Catalytic Oxidizers
Gas fired oxidizers use propane or natural gas as a supplemental fuel source to achieve destruction temperatures.
These systems are available with flow rates from 100-2500 SCFM. Traditional thermal units destruct vapor via flame incinerations while catalytic units use a heated precious metal block. The systems can be design to be converted from Thermal to Catalytic mode and are easily retrofitted in the field. MAE2 can provide new, used or rental units designed for your specific site needs.
Rotary Screw Compressors
Rotary Screw compressors are available with a large range of flows from 4-250 HP and air flow rates from 10 to 1500 cfm and larger. Most screw compressors have pressure ranges from 100-150 psi. Rotary screw compressors require frequent maintenance ranging from oil changes, filter changes and condensate management.
Incline Plate Clarifiers
Incline Plate Clarifiers are designed for settling solids and precipitated metals. The compact IPCs are designed with many features and options to provide engineers and end users with convenience and flexibility in system integration choices. Customization and modifications are available.
Chemical pretreatment is typically used to improve contaminant removal. Model sizing is based on the product to be removed, flow rate and other application parameters. We offer many sizes up to 3300 square feet and many types of chemical pretreatment systems to settle solids metals and other products requiring settling. Lamella plate clarifiers are a proven technology with wide application.
Customization and modifications to fit your project needs are offered.
MAE2 offers Thermal and Catalytic Oxidizers to treat off gas of groundwater and vapor extraction systems along with plant process air.
These modular units are fully skid mounted with gas train, safety valves, process and dilution blowers and Nema 3R UL listed controls. Each system can be purchased as standalone units or integrated with extraction blowers and quench scrubbers.
Electric Oxidizers

Electric oxidizer achieve destruction temperature using internal heaters to raise the temperature of catalyst blocks.
These units are compact and available with flow rates from 100-600 SCFM and require 208-230/460 V 3 phase power to operate. Standard features include stainless steel construction, process control valve, integrated control panels and exhaust stack extension. Extraction or process blowers can be added onto the skid and integrated to the inlet to provide a turnkey extraction destruction system. MAE2 can provide new, used or rental systems designed to meet your site specific needs.
Gas Fired Thermal and Catalytic Oxidizers

Gas fired oxidizers use propane or natural gas as a supplemental fuel source to achieve destruction temperatures.
These systems are available with flow rates from 100-2500 SCFM. Traditional thermal units destruct vapor via flame incinerations while catalytic units use a heated precious metal block. The systems can be design to be converted from Thermal to Catalytic mode and are easily retrofitted in the field. MAE2 can provide new, used or rental units designed for your specific site needs.
Carbon Filtration
Carbon filtration systems are used to remove contaminants from water and vapor.
MAE2 offer a wide range of high and low pressure liquid treatment vessels for any flow rate and vacuum and pressure vessels for vapor treatment. Virgin and regenerative granular activated carbon and a full range of specialized treatment media are also available.
Liquid and Vapor Phase Carbon Vessels
Standard Features include steel, fiberglass or marine grade aluminum constructions, access ports for carbon change out, installation of a wide variety of media engineered for your specific requirements.
Options include stainless construction, high vacuum or pressure vessels, custom hose and fittings, instrumentation, piping and valves and complete skid mounted turnkey systems.
Click for downloadable PDF on MAE2 Carbon Data Sheets
Click for downloadable Low Pressure Steel Drum Filters Data sheet
Click for downloadable High Pressure Steel Drum Filters Data sheet
Air Sparging Systems
Air Sparging involves the injection of air or gases to the subsurface that promote enhanced degradation of contamination.
Sparge systems are designed based on required air flow and anticipated breakthrough pressure. A wide variety of blowers and compressors can be used to achieve various flow and pressure scenarios. Typical industry standards include Rotary Vane, Rotary Claw and Rotary Screw compressors.
Typical systems include discharge particulate and oil coalescing filtration to minimize oil and particulate carry over to the subsurface. In addition, a receiver tank should be installed to buffer the compressor from changes in air demand.
Typical systems include blower or compressor, TEFC or XP motor, heat exchanger if required and a prewired, pretested, custom NEMA IV control panel. Pressure gauges, flow indicators, temperature indicators and filtration can be specified per your application.
All Air Sparge Sparging components are fully integrated and prewired on a steel skid with optional custom sound attenuating enclosure. Air Sparging Systems are easily integrated with new or existing Soil Vapor Extraction Systems.
- Manifolds with regulators, flow indicators and gauges
- Heat Exchanger
- Ozone Generators
- Oxygen Generators
- Remote telemetry system monitoring and alarm notification