Air Sparging Systems

Air Sparging involves the injection of air or gases to the subsurface that promote enhanced degradation of contamination.

Sparge systems are designed based on required air flow and anticipated breakthrough pressure. A wide variety of blowers and compressors can be used to achieve various flow and pressure scenarios. Typical industry standards include Rotary Vane, Rotary Claw and Rotary Screw compressors.

Typical systems include discharge particulate and oil coalescing filtration to minimize oil and particulate carry over to the subsurface. In addition, a receiver tank should be installed to buffer the compressor from changes in air demand.

Typical systems include blower or compressor, TEFC or XP motor, heat exchanger if required and a prewired, pretested, custom NEMA IV control panel. Pressure gauges, flow indicators, temperature indicators and filtration can be specified per your application.

All Air Sparge Sparging components are fully integrated and prewired on a steel skid with optional custom sound attenuating enclosure. Air Sparging Systems are easily integrated with new or existing Soil Vapor Extraction Systems.


  • Manifolds with regulators, flow indicators and gauges
  • Heat Exchanger
  • Ozone Generators
  • Oxygen Generators
  • Remote telemetry system monitoring and alarm notification

Rotary Claw Compressors

Rotary Claw compressors are available with flow rates from 65-350 cfm and pressures ranging from 15-30 psi. Claw compressors require little to no maintenance. Standard ...

Rotary Vane Compressors

Rotary Vane compressors are available from very low to moderate air flows typically 3-325 cfm with pressures from 15-25 psi. Rotary Vane compressors require changing ...

Rotary Screw Compressors

Rotary Screw compressors are available with a large range of flows from 4-250 HP and air flow rates from 10 to 1500 cfm and larger ...